Christine McVie Quotes

1. I wouldn't think a blues album would be that commercially successful, but I don't really care. I'd do it for the love of blues, not for the money. I've got plenty of money.  

2. I still like to play the blues more than anything else.

3. I went to London, where I became a window dresser for an exclusive store. I was actually qualified to be an art teacher, but I didn't want to teach.

4. I've never written with the intention of writing hits. I guess I'm a commercial writer, though. My songs do tend to come out two verses, bridge, guitar solo, last verse, and tag. When I've finished a piece I do have my opinion about whether it will sell, of course, but I'm not always right.

5. Normally there's a characteristic in each song, either a riff or an underlying musical theme, that makes the keyboard part clear if you look for it.

6. I cover most of the sound that we use on records with what I have. And people tell us that we still sound pretty big for a band with four instrumentalists.

7. After I'd won the Melody Maker award, things were sort of confused. I was already with John, he was with Fleetwood Mac, and I was with" Chicken Shack". We never saw anything of one another, so I left the band.

8. It was like getting together with a great friend and having a drink. All of that animosity was swept aside.

9. The chemistry was still there. To me, that was the biggest thing: Would the chemistry be there? Can we really go ahead and do this? And it was obvious within the first moment of plugging in the instruments that the magic was still there. It was a fantastic feeling.

10. You can only mend the vase so many times before you have to chuck it away.

11. I like a light touch, a sensitive piano. My wrists aren't that strong, and if I have to hack too hard, they start breaking down. Fortunately, after playing something like that I take a break and have a drink, or move over to the accordion, or just stagger off the stage until my arms recover.

12. Other people seem to write about love, don't they? It seems to be the least pretentious subject to write about. I've been taking a lot of criticism for it, but at least it's honest. But one shouldn't go and make a solo album if they can't take a little knocking, should they?

13. Since there's only room for me to write a few songs on each band album, I really have to use my songs. But on my own album I had room to use songs I wanted.

14. Some of the best songs I've written, I've written in 10 minutes.

15. When I married John, I felt that it was so great to be around them anyway, just as one of their wives. I used to listen to all their music.

16. It might be an interesting thing to do for the next Fleetwood Mac record... to write a song for Lindsey to sing or vice versa... or for Stevie to write a song for me and see what would happen... That would be an interesting direction to go in.

17. The torpid Chicken Shack records were unfortunately much more typical of British blues than early Fleetwood Mac had been.

18. I didn't feel the inclination to put myself out on a limb that much on my first solo album. I stayed with songs that are simple and unpretentious. That's what I do best.

19. You spend days getting the right drum sound. And vocals take a long time - you can't just do one take and it's perfect.

20. Stevie writes ethereal mystical lyrics, but the moment I write words like that, I get this chill up my spine, kind of getting embarrassed and not feeling sincere about it. But if you're sincere, you can write anything you like. In this stage of my musical life I don't feel honest doing that.

21. I couldn't go anywhere unless there was a security guard with me. That spoiled my life. It was like being in captivity. Those days are gone, and I don't ever want to see that happen to me again. Now I can wander around the streets of Los Angeles on my own. I like it that way.

22. I find it hard to get excited by just a sound. I have to have a song there, then I'll find what used I can make of that sound within the song.

23. At the moment I'm really happy.

24. Of course I get writer's block. It's terrible.

25. I do like my wine.

26. There's a whole bunch of unfinished stuff. Then I've got books of lyrics. I find it frustrating to finish a song and not be able to record it... so I don't write a million songs.

27. We all enjoyed the success of "Rumours" obviously.

28. I was happily thinking I was retired. That is why I left Fleetwood Mac.

29. For Stevie, the words are of prime importance; the song moves around the words, rather than the words moving around the song.

30. I never have thought about a video while I'm writing. I've always been of the mind that music should be heard and not seen. It's a strange thing that's going on. I don't know if it's good or not.

31. I wasn't raised with money, so I had to get used to having it. I think I've adjusted to it pretty well.

32. I don't separate my work with the band from this solo project-I'm sure the group could have recorded any of these, and they would have if the Fleetwood Mac project had come up at this time. I don't have any finished songs lying around.

33. I haven't turned into some rich monster. I've kept my perspective. But I am a bit spoiled. It's hard not to be a little spoiled by having a lot of money.

34. I'm rather old-fashioned about this video business. It's all relatively new. We really don't do videos, Fleetwood Mac. We've only done two.

35. I don't have a star-type attitude. I'm down-to-earth. I tend to laugh at my success. I don't take myself all that seriously. If you take yourself too seriously in this business, you'll get hurt badly.

36. We picked up the instruments and hammered through about 10 songs without batting an eye, just brushing off the cobwebs. The added pleasure of playing with those other four musicians is that it's now elevated to a joyful celebration.

37. I enjoy my money, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'd certainly rather be rich than poor.

38. I'm looking more like my dogs every day - it must be the shaggy fringe and the ears.

39. Learn your instrument. Be honest. Don't do anything phony. There is so much crap floating around. There is plenty of room for a bit of honest writing.

40. It really comes down to Mick. He's the one who was constantly trying to get these five people in one room together. This is his love, his baby. It's his band, and there's nothing more he loves to do than get up on stage and play with us.

41. Everyone started doing their solo albums. Stevie did two. Mick went to Ghana, Lindsey did Law and Order. At that time I just didn't want to follow suit. I was busy getting the house fixed up, happy being domestic. Inevitably, I woke up one morning bored, started spending more time in the music room.

42. There were a lot of bad feelings when Lindsey first left the band. But there's been a lot of healing going on, growing up, maturing. The bond is a great deal stronger than what we first thought.

43. John and I used to basically ignore each other. We were cold as ice to each other. He found it easier that way.

44. The old Fleetwood Mac was much better; they did some beautiful and, to my mind, very authentic blues. "Chicken Shack" did pretty well in Europe, but after I left, it was over.

45. The last thing I ever thought was that this band could seriously work together again.

46. I was without a boyfriend for along time. I wouldn't settle for going out on a date just for the sake of going out. I was perfectly content. I'd rather have that than a string of non-meaningful relationships.

47. Mick and John are happy with me writing songs for the band at this particular point in time. I don't know what's going to happen down the road a couple of years.

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