Glenn Close Plastic Surgery

In detail, Close is estimated to have had a nose job in the past, botox injections and facial fillers.
Judging by the before and after pictures, Close has likely had botox and filler injections to keep her skin wrinkle-free. Her nose seems more pinched, straight, long and narrow giving her an elegant appearance, an indication of a nose job.
It has to be noted that Glenn Close hasn't clearly admitted she has gone under the plastic surgeon's knife to stay ageless.
Plastic surgeon experts suggest that Close should try a chemical peel to give her a glow and get rid of some minor flaws.
Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer was quoted as saying: "Glenn Close looks great and very natural. She doesn't appear to have had much cosmetic work done. She most likely uses Botox and fillers to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A chemical peel a few days before the big night could give her a rejuvenated glow for the spotlight."
Conclusion: Glenn Close made a smart choice to not overdone her face to the point that it stops having any facial expression. No doubt that she is aging gracefully.
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